
Below is a list of various group activities going back to 2001. In addition, we have bi-monthly book discussions. See what the next book discussion will be on the Book Discussion page.

Visit to NY Historical Society to see exhibit of Black Dolls - May 1, 2022
Planned event: Visit to Prospect Park, May 16, 2020 POSTPONED

Visit to the Cathedral Church of St. John the Devine- April 28, 2018

Visit to Morgan Library -- Charlotte Bronte Exhibit, was held December 4, 2017

Museum visit to N-YHS for Madeline in New York: The Art of Ludwig Bemelmans October 4, 2017

Museum visit to Morgan-- Library Little Prince in New York exhibit was April 12, 2014

Museum visit to NYPL "Why children's books matter" was held January 18, 2014

In celebration of Maud's birthday, we had a walking tour of Maud Hart Lovelace and other literary locations in Greenwich Village on Sunday, April 28, 2013. 

Visit to Morgan Library, January 6, 2013 to see the exhibit on the Beatrix Potter Picture Letters and then go out for lunch. 

Happy Birthday Maud! A celebration of Maud's 120th was held on April 23, 2012.

Fall 2011: Two events; 2 museums: the Ezra Jack Keats exhibit at the Jewish Museum and the exhibit on the invention of Santa Claus at the New-York Historical Society.

Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Deep Valley Class of 1910 and the publication of Emily of Deep Valley and Carney's House Party as Harper Perennial Editions, Sunday November 7, 2010 at Strada 57 Restaurant

  Summer museum event. Special exhibit "American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Visit to Cooper Hewitt Museum for the Children's Wallpaper and Books exhibit-- March 7 2009

Holiday Luncheon 2009 at Prince Street Cafe 26 Prince Street, between Mott and Elizabeth Streets, Soho, NYC - January 11, 2009


February 2007, annual Holiday Party at Byblos Lebanese Restaurant.

October 2005, afternoon at Books of Wonder children's bookstore.

  January 2005 annual Holiday Party. Held at Kennedy's Irish pub in honor of Tacy Kelly.
  August 2004 Knitting picnic lunch and party. (Named Miss Mix Masters in honor of the seamstress in the Betsy-Tacy Deep Valley community.

March 20, 2004 Maple sugaring at Teatown Nature Preserve.

February 7, 2004 Valentine's Day Party at the Vinegar Factory restaurant.

Sunday, June 22, 2003, Outing to Prospect Park in Brooklyn :

Members of the group met at Lefferts Homestead Children's Museum and continued on to stroll through Prospect Park and Park Slope neighborhood.

Christmas Party 2002-03 , held at Rocco Restaurant in Greenwich Village. We celebrated the holidays Italian style, in honor of Betsy's trip to Italy in Betsy and the Great World.


Maud's Birthday Tea, 2002, held at the King's Carriage house.



Christmas Party 2001-02, held at the Silver Swan German restaurant to commemorate Betsy's Christmas in Milwaukee in her Sophomore year of high school.

Trip to the Central Park Conservatory and to the Museum of the City of New York to see the exhibit "Dressing for a New York City Childhood" in September 2001.


And don't forget the bi-monthly book discussion.

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